Let’s be honest. Life with a toddler can feel a bit chaotic.You’re constantly busy and very likely exhausted or stressed out. Now that your toddler has a little more independence and a whole lot more mobility, his or her potential to make a mess has exponentially increased since just a few months ago.
Preserving the Past: Capturing Toddler Speak in Writing
A few months back I wrote a post about Why You Should Write Down Your Engagement Story in a new series called “Preserving the Past.” Today I’m returning to that series with a second topic, this time with a focus on your children.
How to Get Housework Done with Toddler in Tow
As a stay-at-home mom, I am constantly trying to find a balance between spending quality time with my son and also keeping up with those everyday tasks that have to get done too – laundry, cooking, grocery shopping, cleaning, and the list goes on…