I absolutely LOVE to hang stockings on our fireplace mantle, and I especially adore the stocking holders that I purchased before we had any kids. Have you ever noticed just how heavy, breakable, and in our case, sharp, stocking holders can be?

Wall-Mounted Drying Rack: Small Laundry Room Game Changer
Some of us have spacious, Pinterest-worthy laundry rooms, and some of us have something that is just a slight step above functional. And while I am extremely grateful that I have laundry room at all, mine falls in the second category where the square footage is a bit lacking. Up until recently, I literally had to back myself out of the laundry room after hanging everything because there wasn’t enough room for both the rack and even one person.

7 Tips to Simplify Christmas Card Stress
Do you get overwhelmed at just the thought of sending out Christmas cards? Perhaps you have intentions to send them every year, but the process of actually going through with it always seems to cause you more stress and anxiety rather than joy. If that’s you, then I’m so glad you’ve landed here! I genuinely hope that I can encourage you with some tips to simplify Christmas cards…

Easy Italian Shredded Chicken
I happen to love making shredded chicken. On average, I probably make a shredded chicken recipe for dinner almost twice a week. And even though I enjoy cooking, I’m always on the hunt for truly simple recipes that will save me time in the kitchen. This easy shredded chicken recipe literally takes less than five minutes to throw in my crock pot.

Start Working Out at Home With These 5 Products
About seven months ago I quit my gym membership and started working out at home. In a nut shell, the logistics of getting to and from the gym had just become too burdensome and time consuming, so I decided to give working out at home another chance.

13 Toddler Must Haves to Simplify Mom Life
Let’s be honest. Life with a toddler can feel a bit chaotic.You’re constantly busy and very likely exhausted or stressed out. Now that your toddler has a little more independence and a whole lot more mobility, his or her potential to make a mess has exponentially increased since just a few months ago.

DIY Mud Room Design: When Less is More
Admittedly, I am not typically a DIY blogger who shares inspiration for home improvement projects… BUT, my husband “recently” finished building our mud room (if I can use that term loosely), and I just have to share! I’m super excited about this project, and here’s why. First of all, I think he did a phenomenal job, and I am super proud of him, but I also wanted to share the design because I know how helpful it is to see what other people have done.

How to Spend Quality Time With Your Kids When You Have Large Age Gaps
I have been asking myself this question for the last two years ever since we introduced baby number three and baby number four to our family. On the same day. We had a boy, and then four years later, a girl. Then almost three years later, a girl, and then an hour later, another girl. […]

Best Twin Strollers: What to Consider Before Buying
Trying to figure out which double stroller to buy? Believe me, I know how overwhelming it can be. Much like the cereal aisle, there are way too many options, but unlike the cereal aisle, most of the options are not cheap, and you can’t just try a new flavor the following week if you don’t like the one you picked out.

Finding the Right Fitness Program for You
To anyone out there who is determined to get fit but is struggling to find the right kind of fitness program or regimen, this post is for YOU. While I am not a fan of getting fit only for the sake of our outward appearance, I know that it can certainly serve as a good motivator for us to start a fitness program.

Maple Sausage & Kale Stuffing
I don’t know about you, but I’m all about traditions, especially ones that revolve around holidays. But as much as I love tradition, I also know it can be fun to shake things up a bit and try something new every once in a while. If that’s you this holiday season and you are looking for recipe inspiration for Thanksgiving, then you have landed on just the right page in cyberspace.

Twin Life Simplified: Encouragement and Tips From Our Breastfeeding Journey
Was I able to successfully breastfeed twins? That’s a loaded question with a subjective answer, so I’ll let you be the judge after you have read through our twin breastfeeding journey. I say “our” journey because breastfeeding affected each person in our family.